Addictions, there easily formed and can seriously affect our quality of life and those around us. Let’s face it, dealing with addictions can be distressing.
Addiction is defined as not being able to do without a certain substance or activity – it has a very broad and wide ranging definition. There are many factors which can cause addictions to form, many without the person being aware they are forming that addiction. Addiction, also defined as a dependence, is compulsive or repeating behaviour in which the person who is dependent finds it difficult to control or change their behaviour. Levels of tolerance to the substance of addiction may escalate as the body and feelings experienced becomes more and more addicted to or dependent on the substance.

Types of addiction
The most common types of addictions are often divided into two groups, which are those of substance addictions or process addictions. Substances of dependence may include alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and pharmacological substances such as painkillers. Process addictions may include behaviours such as excess shopping, hoarding, gambling, eating and excess sexual activity.
Stop addiction in it's tracks!
Addiction can be complex but online counselling helps you take control of your addiction.
The causes of addiction are complex and still the subject of major research although there are some common assumptions. There is a general agreement that some people are more likely to develop a dependency due to sensitising factors in their own make-up. Sometimes substance addictions are seen as the result of a genetic weakness, or an inherited family trait or substituting something for someone else a person is missing in life.
People with addictions may feel or experience:
- Feel that they cannot enjoy themselves without the use of the substance of addiction.
- Have a decreased ability to resist the substance of addiction.
- Experience some hallucinations or other extraordinary phenomena.
- Avoid social activities which do not include the use of the substance of addiction.
- Have a bad diet.
- Experience changes to their personalities such as irritability or inability to cope with stressful situations.
There is no doubt that an addiction or dependency is difficult to manage. The person who is burdened with a dependency may need to make major life-changes before they can cast their dependency aside. Addictions can be overcome progressively with online counselling.
The dependent person may be able to start the process of change by avoiding or moderating the experience of such states of mind as hunger, loneliness, tiredness or frustration. These people can also take more control over their addiction by avoiding places, companions or activities that remind them of their addiction.
Talking to a empathetic counsellor can help you understand work through any addiction concerns.
For these reasons alone, addicts should feel no shame in seeking help from therapists or specialists who are trained in the techniques of recovery from addiction. Most people seek help if they wish to make major life changes, no matter what issues may have driven them to seek change. It is not an admittance of defeat to seek help. Qualified Counsellors don’t judge you – they are there to support you.
There is much to gain from attending counselling for people who have never really been free of a dependency. The road ahead may seem easier to walk with a little bit of assistance. To be able to change one’s whole life for the better, to feel more at ease and to be able to participate in activities which are separate from the activities of addiction – these are some of the benefits of attending therapy.
Some former addicts may even find that they are able to fulfill a life-long dream once they are free of the chains and shackles of their addiction.